Paper Submission

The following standard procedures in publication of Paper Submission

  • The paper will be removed even though it was published, and this will be   noticed on the     home page
  • Each paper should only have one (1) corresponding author and cannot be changed
  • If plagiarism problem was found, all authors including the corresponded authors cannot submit paper(s) to our journal for three years.
    The paper will be removed even though it was already published, and this will be noticed on the home page
  • Paper containing simulation, implementation, case study or other evidence
    Ideal paper can be published after the editorial board grants permission after reviewing the paper
  • Papers from one country cannot exceed 60% in every journal issue; it will be based by the first authors’ nationality
  • Only one (1) paper from same author can be included in each issue regardless of role and order

Manuscripts submitted

  • Main Focus on existing Research work;
  • Original Articles alone  and not have been published anywhere: Important
  • Content of the paper should be clearly and Concisely
  • Provide data of which field you are applied .

Submission  :,